P.A.L.S. for Healing Wish List:
Our team is in need of these items. If you would like to donate or have questions, please contact us at 330-518-8334. Thank you!
When shopping items from our wish list, you can find more savings by using Capital One Shopping​! This free tool compares prices across different retailers and lets you know which is the best deal while supporting those affected by trauma or loss!
You can drop off a donation from 9am-5pm Mon-Fri or Mail to:
P.A.L.S. for Healing
6100 Oak Tree Blvd., Suite 200
Independence, OH 44131
Needed Art Supplies
Washable tempera paint (metallic and glitter)
Washable Crayola markers (12-24)
Crayola watercolor paint
Colored pencils
Blank page journals
Air-dry clay
Magazines for collage
Elmer’s glue
Colored sharpie markers permanent (ultra-fine point, medium, thick)
Sharpie oil-based paint markers
Multi-sized stretched canvas
Artist paint brushes
Acrylic paint
Glitter glue
Scrapbooking paper​
Mixed media art paper (9"x10" tablets, 9"x12" 98 pound tablets)
Needed Office Supplies
Tablets or iPads
External hard drive
Copy paper (8.5"x11")
Laser printer
White paper plates
Paper towels
Clorox wipes